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Active Directory (AD Kit) Integration


Egnyte's AD Kit allows you to extract user records and related metadata from your directory service into the Egnyte file server. Since each business may configure directory services differently, the integration scripts can be customized to run in your environment. By deploying the AD Kit integration, you can automatically load a subset or all users and groups into your Egnyte directory service. Furthermore, as new users and groups are created or deactivated within your directory service, your Egnyte file server will sync these changes. 

When users from your company attempt to log in to Egnyte, Egnyte can be set up to authenticate directly against your directory service. This ensures that you don’t have to manage passwords in two separate places. Your directory service can serve as the system of record for all password information, and Egnyte will utilize this information to authenticate the user. 

Egnyte will only authenticate Admins and Power Users via directory service. Directory service authentication is not available for Standard Users. Please refer to the mixed mode authentication section below for managing both Power and Standard Users. 



Mixed Mode Authentication

Supported Access Points

Additional Resources

Egnyte currently supports integration with Microsoft Active Directory Services (ADS). The AD Kit is available to customers on Business and Enterprise plans.

Download the Egnyte ADKit v4.17.2

For detailed installation instructions, check out our Active Directory Guide

Mixed Mode Authentication

Egnyte has been set up to allow a mixed mode authentication, where some users are externally authenticated through your directory service or a supported Single Sign-on provider, and others are authenticated directly through the Egnyte file server.

You can use a combination of your directory service and SSO provider to externally authenticate users within your environment, however, individual users will authenticate against one or the other — not both.

For example, assume you only have employee records set up in your directory service, but you plan to use Egnyte for file sharing between your employees (who are Power Users) and business partners (who are Standard Users). Since the business partner user data is not a part of the directory service, you can set up Egnyte to authenticate all your employees against your directory service and all business partners against the Egnyte file server. This allows you to expand file sharing easily without making additional investments in your directory service.

To obtain the parameters required for the integration and exact implementation steps, please review the Active Directory Guide.

Supported Access Points

Egnyte is able to authenticate users against your directory service for all access points. This includes our Web Interface, Mobile apps, Desktop Applications, Storage Sync, Outlook plugin, and FTP.

Additional Resources

Still have questions? Want to learn more? These resources can help.

Active Directory Product Guide
Active Directory (AD Kit) Configuration Parameters



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