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Cyberduck FTP Client (Mac)


We'll walk you through installing and setting up the Cyberduck, how to upload files once it's installed, and provide the firewall recommendations to ensure the process goes smoothly.

For background information about uploading files using FTP and access to other FTP configuration guides, please read this FTP Overview article. 

If you have more than 50GB data total to transfer, consider using Egnyte's Migration App or some other third-party tool designed to handle larger data migrations.

Exclusions: Refer to this article for unsupported characters and excluded file types that will not be synced. 


Upload Files

Firewall Recommendations


  1. Install the latest version of Cyberduck.
  2. Open the client and click Open Connection.


  3. Select the FTP-SSL (for FTP or FTPES connections) or the SFTP option from the drop-down menu at the top of this screen.


  4. In the server field, enter the following: ftp-<egnytedomain>.egnyte.com.
    Example: ftp-acme.egnyte.com

  5. Enter your user name, $, then your Egnyte domain with no spaces in the User Name field.
    Example: jsmith$acme

    If your FTP Client does not support $ symbol then you can use any of the following symbols: % # | @ &

  6. Type in your Egnyte password in the Password field.

    Note: SSO authenticated users will have to set a non-SSO password that is only used for FTP. This can be done from the My Preferences tab under My Profile in the Egnyte Web UI.
  7. Click Connect.

    Note: If you connect via SFTP, you may see an Unknown fingerprint message. Please select Allow.

  8. Open the Preferences menu and click the Transfers tab. Select the Timestamps option and check the Preserve modification date option for uploads.


  9. From the Preferences menu, open the Connection tab and click Change Settings... under the Proxies section.

  10. Verify the box for Use Passive FTP Mode (PASV) is checked.


Upload Files

Upload files by dragging from Finder into Cyberduck or from your desktop into the folders visible within Cyberduck's folder browser. You can use the Upload feature found within the Action menu.


Firewall Recommendations

If your firewall has restrictions and blocks certain ports, you may need to allow the following outbound port(s):

  • FTP/FTPES: port (21)
  • SFTP/SSH: port (22)

Egnyte uses the following ports below for data transfer:

  • 10000 - 12000
  • 20000 - 22000


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