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The Device Dashboard and Device Control Suite

Learn how to navigate the Device Dashboard and how to take action on devices that are linked to your account, like removing a device or remotely wiping a device.

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Device Dashboard

Remote Wipe

Mobile Device Security

Device Dashboard

The Device Dashboard shows the full list of devices which have accessed your account. There are two pages: one for personal devices (like smartphones and laptops) and another for storage devices (like Storage Sync and Smart Cache). You can switch between these pages using the tabs at the top right of the screen.


While the Device Dashboard is available to all accounts, the other features are included as part of our Enterprise Lite and Enterprise plans. If you think your business might benefit from these features, please contact us.

For Personal Devices, you will see the username with whom the device is associated with, what client the device is running (Mobile, Desktop App, WebEdit...), the last time the device accessed your account, and more. You can search for a specific user's device or App, and sort by Username, Platform, Device name, or Last access/sync by clicking the appropriate column.


The Storage Devices tab shows any storage device instances that are connected to your account. The details captured include the device's name, IP address, the Egnyte application (Storage Sync, Turbo, or Cloud Migration Manager), the last time the status was updated, and more. Just like with the Personal Devices tab, you can filter your results by clicking the appropriate column.



Remove Device

On either tab, hovering over a device and clicking the Details button reveals additional information, like the device model for personal devices or system health for storage devices. When viewing the details for a device, you also have the option to remove it from the Device Dashboard list. Depending on the device type, removing the device may also cause a forced logout.


This will be useful for customers who want to remove inactive devices from the list.

Remote Wipe

The device details tab also allows you to issue a remote wipe command for personal devices that are using our Mobile Apps or Desktop App.

When you issue this command, all Egnyte files stored locally on the device will be deleted the next time the app is opened on that device. This is a useful feature to use if you learn that an employee's device has been lost or stolen. You can monitor the status of a remote wipe command from the Device Management Logs section of this page.


Currently, it's only possible to issue a remote wipe command for an iOS or Android device running version 4.8 or later of our mobile app or a computer with Desktop App version 3.0 or later.

Egnyte's remote wipe feature is not a substitute for a full-fledged mobile device management system; it only allows you to delete Egnyte files stored on the device. If you want the ability to remote wipe a device without requiring the app to ever be opened, we recommend using a Mobile Device Management solution.

While the Remote Wipe action is still in progress, there is an option to cancel the action for Desktop App, and mobile devices:


Mobile Device Security

Egnyte's mobile applications allow users to review files, share file links and folders, and upload documents when they're away from their desktop. With the Device Control suite, account administrators will be able to permit or deny offline access to Egnyte documents and mandate the use of a 4-digit passcode lock when re-opening the Egnyte app. These options can be found under the Applications page in the Configuration tab.


To learn more about the benefits of these mobile app security features, read here.



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