Migration App UI v1.28.0 / Agent v3.26.0. Release Date 8/28/23
Improved Empty Folder Creation Performance
Over time, we observed that Creating Empty Folders took a lot of time to execute. With this release we have significantly improved the performance of this feature.
Issues Addressed
Unicode Edge Cases
With Sanitize-on-the-Fly, we discovered multiple edge cases where Unicode characters weren’t being handled correctly. We resolved all known issues except one known limitation. This limitation is as follows:
If two files have identical names except the Unicode characters in it and the alphabet cases are different, then the files Unicode will be replaced by '_' in sanitize on source option and since files name would be same after performing sanitize on source, one file will be deleted from source.
Example - on source 2 files with name:
- X3vKPFq␋avU2ygQT2h5UMpr
- {{X3vKPFq⇥avU2ygQT2h5UMpr }}
At destination, this results in one file with two version:
- X3vKPFq_avU2ygQT2h5UMpr
Since both files are being named the same (i.e., replacing with '_' underscore), the second file is overwriting the first file. This is unavoidable but is expected to be extremely rare.
Additional Information And Resources
The current release also contains a few bug fixes and improvements to existing functionality.
The changes will be available to all users by August 28, 2023.