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Secure & Govern (19.3) - Ransomware - Direct Links to Top Affected Folders

Release Date: August 10, 2023  Secure & Govern 19.3 Release

Ransomware - Direct Links to Top Affected Folders (Egnyte Sources Only) 

Direct links for the top affected folders have been added to the Secure & Govern issues view. When reviewing a Probable Ransomware issue, users can navigate directly to the folder within  the content source.

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Unusual Access - Customize Minimum File Threshold Behavior

Customers can now control how the minimum file threshold impacts Unusual Access detections. By default, the Unusual Access minimum file threshold parameter is ignored if at least one file from a detection contains sensitive content. Now customers can change the default behavior preventing the minimum file threshold from being ignored when sensitive files are detected.

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Changing the threshold behavior will only impact future detections

Separate Role Entitlements for Retention, Archival and Deletion Policy Management

Provides the ability to specify if a S&G role has permissions to manage specific content lifecycle functionality.

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On-Demand Deletion and Archival - Purge Option

Provides the option to choose either moving the files to trash (where they will be subject to retention policies) or purge permanently (where they will only be subject to a 7-day grace period and then purged from the system, overriding any retention policies) when creating on-demand archival and deletion policies.

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