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AEC Applications Support Smart Cache FAQ

Revit Collaboration Feature Side-By-Side Comparison Between Smart Cache And Storage Sync

Revit collaboration (co-editing) allows users to work on the same Revit file by different users at same time through the Revit Worksharing modal. It’s supported on Smart Cache (v4.0 and above) in network share or SMB mode and lets compare how it fares with the Storage Sync support of Revit functionality.


Smart Cache (Ver. 4.0 and Above)

Storage Sync

What Use Cases Does It Solve?

All Users Located in a Given Physical Office (Single-Site) Can Collaborate

Caching Capabilities Yes Admin has to synchronize the folders
Global File Lock on the Revit Central Model Yes No
Network Drive Share (UNC Path) Yes Yes
Mapping of Egnyte Power Users and Active Directory Users Automatic


(Need to map the users manually on UI)

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What Are The Other Names Used For Data Collection Mode?

Which Are The Different Autodesk Applications That Smart Cache Supports For Co-Editing Of Files?

What Is Revit Collaboration Or Revit Co-Editing Of Files?

Does Revit Collaboration And Caching In Smart Cache Be Supported On The Same Device?

Does Revit Collaboration Support On Multi-Site?

What Are Unsupported Scenarios Of Revit Collaboration On A Single Site?

What Are The Other Names Used For Data Collection Mode?

Data collection mode is also referred as “SMB Collaboration mode” (because of the nature of the protocol that it supports).

Which Are The Different Autodesk Applications That Smart Cache Supports For Co-Editing Of Files?

Currently, Smart Cache supports only Revit files for co-editing (Collaboration) and if a user tries for any other application files, then it will result in errors.

What Is Revit Collaboration Or Revit Co-Editing Of Files?

Smart Cache in SMB mode supports collaboration of Revit files by multiple users on the same Revit file and is supported only when Revit workshare is enabled. 

Does Revit Collaboration And Caching In Smart Cache Be Supported On The Same Device?

Revit collaboration and Desktop App drive connections to the same Smart Cache device are not supported. A separate Smart Cache device needs to be deployed for Revit collaboration.

Does Revit Collaboration Support On Multi-Site?

No, Smart Cache only supports single-site Revit collaboration. Revit users connected to different Smart Cache devices cannot work on the same central model. 

What Are Unsupported Scenarios Of Revit Collaboration On A Single Site?

Below are the unsupported use cases of Revit collaboration:

  • Folders containing Revit central models cannot be selected for synchronization. Currently, it supports Revit collaboration on central models in the cached folders.
  • Revit collaboration cannot occur when the Smart Cache device is offline. This is because Smart Cache requires Global File Locking for Revit collaboration.
  • Revit Worksharing Monitor is not certified in the current release of Smart Cache.
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