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File and Folder Shortcuts


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Creating Shortcuts Using the WebUI

Permissions and Shortcuts

Creating Shortcuts using the Mobile App 

Creating Shortcuts Using the Desktop App

Frequently Asked Questions


Egnyte provides powerful capabilities to create and manage shortcuts. These shortcuts are native to the Egnyte file system, and are OS independent (unlike Windows or MacOS shortcuts). Users can create the shortcuts using the WebUI or the Desktop App. Once a shortcut is created, the users can use it to navigate to the target file using the Mobile App, Desktop App, or the WebUI.

Using shortcuts, users can centralize & manage their data in one place, but put shortcuts to the content in multiple places as needed, without duplicating data or storage.

Creating Shortcuts Using the WebUI

In order to create a shortcut, right click on the File or the Folder and choose the ‘Create a Shortcut’ option. A new shortcut would be created with the default shortcut name. Once created, a shortcut can be copied, renamed, moved, or deleted just like any other item. Anytime the user clicks on the shortcut, whether the click happens in WebUI, Desktop App, or Mobile App, they would be automatically redirected to the underlying original file/folder.


Creating Shortcuts Using the Desktop App


To use this feature, you need to have the Desktop App installed and running (version 3.14.12 for Windows, 0.8.1 for Mac - Desktop App Core). Additionally, the drive on which a source file is located must be installed.

How to Use

To create a shortcut:

  1. Right-click on the file or folder you want to create a shortcut to.
  2. Select "Create shortcut" from the context menu.  Ensure it has the Egnyte icon next to it so that you don't create a standard OS file shortcut.

  3. A new shortcut will be created with the default shortcut name. Once created, a shortcut can be copied, renamed, moved, or deleted just like any other file. The shortcut will have the following icons and extensions: .egnyte_f for files and .egnyte_d for directories (folders).

Windows Icons

Folder shortcut   File shortcut

WebUI_Shortcuts_7.png    WebUI_Shortcuts_6.png

Mac Icons

Folder shortcut   File shortcut

WebUI_Shortcuts_2.png    WebUI_Shortcuts_1.png

Creating Shortcuts using the Mobile App 

To create a shortcut, click on the three-dot menu next to the file or folder name and select the Create Shortcut button.

ios - 1.png.         ios - 2.png

A shortcut pointing to the file or folder is created with a message stating successful creation of the shortcut.

ios 3.png          ios 4.png

Creation of file and folder shortcuts is supported only in the iOS mobile app.

Permissions and Shortcuts

In order to successfully follow a shortcut, the user must have appropriate permissions on the target file/folder. For example, suppose there is a shortcut in Folder-A that points to Folder-B, and a user has full permissions in Folder-A, but no permissions in Folder-B. They will be able to see the shortcut in Folder-A, but they will not be able to navigate to Folder-B using that shortcut. Shortcuts do not bypass permission checks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Am I Not Seeing the Option to Create a Shortcut?

This feature is only available on Platform plans. If you are on a platform plan and not seeing this feature, contact support@egnyte.com.

What Happens to Shortcuts if I Move or Rename the Underlying File/Folder?

The shortcuts will continue working even if the target is moved or renamed after the shortcut is created.

What Happens to Shortcuts if I Delete the Underlying File/Folder?

When someone clicks on the shortcut, they will get an error that the file/folder is deleted.

What Happens to Shortcuts if I Delete the Underlying File/Folder, and then Restore it Back from Trash?

After the file/folder is restored, the shortcuts will continue to work as normal.

Can I Share a Shortcut via a Link?

No. Shortcuts can’t be shared via links. You will need to share the underlying file.

Can I Create a Shortcut to a Shortcut?

No, Shortcuts can’t be nested.

I Have Some Shortcuts in My Folder, but when I Share it via a Link, the Recipients Can’t See the Shortcuts.

When a folder link is shared, the recipients can not see the shortcuts for security reasons.

Do Shortcuts Work on Desktop App when it is Offline?

Shortcut creation and opening won't work if the Desktop App is offline. 

Do Shortcuts Work in Connected Folders on the Desktop App?

No. Creating shortcuts won't work for Connected folders.

Do I Have Any Egnyte Custom Actions Available for Shortcuts from the Context Menu in the Desktop App?

No. Currently, no Egnyte custom actions are available through the context menu on shortcuts. In the next iterations, View in cloud option will be provided.

Can I Create a Shortcut for a File that is Being Uploaded in My Desktop App?

Shortcut cannot be created for a file which is still being uploaded.

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