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Quick Search Filters

Quick Search Filters feature allows users to save the most common search filters and save them as their personal defaults. The saved filters are then applied automatically every time the user runs a search. The user-defined defaults are saved per user, and hence each user can have their own personalized search filters.

The quick filters are presented when the user clicks on the search bar.


Search Current Folder or Entire Account

You can search only the items contained in your current folder, or you can search your entire account. By default, only the items contained in your current folder are searched. You can search the entire account by changing the location setting to ‘All Folders’.


Search for Items Containing Any or All Words

You can search for items that contain any of the search words you entered, or search for items that contain all of the search words you entered. By default, the search will return results that contain any of the words you entered. You can restrict the results to items that contain all of the search words by choosing ‘All search words’ in the dropdown menu.


Search Through Folders or Files

Your Egnyte account might contain tens of thousands of folders and files; finding a single one of those could be tough. Fortunately, we have a folder or file search option just for this use case. Select Folders, and it will return folders that match your search criteria; select Files and only files matching your search will appear.


Filter Search Results by Modified Time

If you want to narrow down search results so that they include only files modified within a certain time period, it is possible to use the "Modified Time" filter for that. You can choose only to see files modified within the last 24 hours, week, month, 3 months, 6 months, the last year or define a specific time period.


Save User Defaults for Quick Filters

If you use some specific quick filter settings for most of your searches, you can lock (save) the filter set as your own default settings. Click on the lock icon to save the filter set.


Once locked, these filter values will be automatically populated every time you start a new search. You can override these for ad-hoc searches by choosing different values from the dropdown menus. Click on the lock icon again to get back to system defaults.

See the Search for Files and Folders in the WebUI for more details on search.

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