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Configure Content Classification

Egnyte Secure & Govern looks for sensitive information in files using content classification and helps  identify folders containing such information. The results of content classification are reflected in the Sensitive Content tab in real-time as they are found. Users can easily comply with relevant regulatory standards using built-in classification policies or identify content specific to the organization with their own custom policies.

Configure policies

To start finding sensitive content:

  1. Go to the Content Classification tab under Settings page and switch on the toggle to Identify sensitive content. This toggle is switched off by default for privacy reasons. 


  2. Select any regional jurisdictions to comply with.


    After selecting a jurisdiction, built-in compliance policies for regulatory standards applicable to the jurisdiction will be shown in the Regulatory Compliance Policies section.

  3. Select compliance policies to surface content that is specifically governed by the corresponding regulatory standards. For example, selecting the PCI-DSS policy will find files containing any payment information such as credit and debit card numbers.


    Only select the policies that are needed for regulatory compliance; enabling all the policies may generate too many results to be useful.

  4. Users may also create their own custom policy using any of the built-in patterns, keywords, or  custom keywords.

  5. Egnyte Secure & Govern will immediately start scanning the files in the content sources for sensitive information. Keep in mind that Content Classification will only analyze files in the paths that have been included for scanning in each source in the tenant.

    Go to the Sensitive Content tab to see the sensitive files in the content sources, grouped by the containing locations. 

Recommended Policies

Users see a Recommended tag next to built-in policies and individual patterns within custom policies. The platform lists several policies based on the selected regional jurisdictions. However, not all of these policies may be relevant to the user or their organization. 

 The Recommended flag helps users quickly identify policies that are likely to be useful, based on the data scanned and the resulting outcomes.  

S&G 21.9 RN - recommended p[olicies.png

S&G 21.9 RN - recommended policies while creating customer policies.png

The user can select the toggle at the top right corner of the section to show only the recommended policies.

S&G 21.9 RN - Show recommended policies only.png

Learn more about Sensitive Content Classification by watching a Quick Tip on Egnyte University:  Sensitive Content Classification


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