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Using Egnyte for Trello Power-Up


The Egnyte for Trello Integration allows users to attach links to Egnyte files or folders to Trello cards.

Adding the Egnyte Power-Up  

 To add Egnyte for Trello, go to your Trello board, open the side menu, choose Power-Ups, and scroll down to Egnyte Power-Up. Just hit “enable,” and you’re all set. 


Sharing Files or Folders

 Once you have added the Egnyte Power-Up, open the card, you would like to add an Egnyte link. Click on the “Egnyte” item under “Power-Ups” on the right of the card and choose “Attach files or folders...”



A new pop-up will open. Please specify your Egnyte domain and credentials and allow the Trello app to access your files. You will see the file picker listing your Egnyte domain’s files and folders. Navigate to the folder containing the item you want to share, click “OK,” and select the appropriate accessibility option for those who will be able to access your file or folder - ‘anyone,’ ‘all domain’s users, or ‘domain’s user with sufficient permissions.



Once you submit, the pop-up will close, and you will see that your file or folder is added to the Trello card as an attachment.


 It is that easy. 


Users must be Admin or Power Users.

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