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Enhancements to Co-Editing Via Double-Click on Desktop App for Windows

Desktop App v. 3.14.3  Release Date:  Jun 15, 2022

New Features and Enhancements

Starting Co-Editing Session Via Double-Clicking When There is no Default App Selected by Admin in Domain Settings

If there is no default integration for collaboration selected by the admin in domain settings, the user is able to start a co-editing session after a double-click on a file. The user sees a prompt with a possibility to choose integration that can be used for co-editing.


Changed Preferences View

The co-editing preferences have been moved to a drive configuration section to enable configuration per drive connected. 

A new item, "preferred integration," is introduced in the preferences section, which can be changed if no default integration is set on a domain level.


Issues Addressed

  • Executed scheduled maintenance to ensure the reliability of the platform
  • Fixed bugs and made stability improvements

  • Corrected issues related to Naviswork and Rhino3d files, including maintaining version history and preventing cloud deletes
  • Fixed a bug with airplane mode being switched on after restarting the application

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Co-editing is not supported with Smart Cache connection for versions of Smart Cache below 2.7.
  • For updates on Windows 11 support and known limitations, refer to this article.

Upgrade to the latest version today.

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