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Egnyte University offers self-paced eLearning courses and free, live training events with Egnyte's experts. 

Start Learning with Egnyte University


In the Web UI, start by clicking the Menu icon and selecting Egnyte University from the drop-down.



You’ll be taken to the Egnyte University home page. Click a series tile to get started! Read on if you want to learn more about what each series has to offer.


End Users and Admins

We offer courses on our products and the overall Egnyte experience that are tailored to end-users and Admins ready to learn more about Egnyte.

Select the course you want to take, click Start, and you're ready to begin!

If you're prompted to sign in, use the same login credentials you use to access Egnyte. If your company uses Single Sign-On, choose the Other Login Options link.


Navigate between lessons in a course by using the Previous and Next links. If you hover over these navigation links, you can preview the name of the previous or upcoming lesson. When you click on the Settings icon, you'll be able to adjust your screen resolution and the speed at which the video plays.




Visit Egnyte University to register for our free, live training events. They're conducted every month, so don't worry if you missed the last one. You can ask questions throughout the training get answers from the experts.

Quick Tips

Want to learn something new, but don't have a lot of time? Check out Quick Tips on Egnyte University. These videos are less than a minute long and highlight a useful Egnyte feature, so there's always time to learn something new.

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