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Which Types of Files Work with the File Previewer?


Egnyte supports the following file types when previewing in the web interface (Web UI).



Max file size: 500MB

Document and Word Processing

doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, ez, fotd, hwp, msg, odt, ott, pub, rtf, sdw, sgf, stw, sxw, uot, wpd, wps

Max file size: 50MB

Previewing Microsoft Word files using Egnyte’s preview capability uses the Web Layout rendition of the documents.


123, csv, fods, ods, ots, stc, sxc, tsv, uos, xls, xlsb, xlst, xlsx, xlt

Max file size: 5MB


fodp, odp, otp, pot, potm, ppm, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, sti, sxi, vsdx

Max file size: 50MB


ai (saved with PDF compatibility option), bmp, cgm, dxf, eps, fodg, gif (without animation), heic, jfif, jpeg, jpg, odg, otg, pas, pbm, pcd, pct, pcx, pgm, pic, png, psd, ras, sgv, std, svg, svgz, svm, sxd, tga, tif, tiff (Only on Safari), vdw, vdx, vsd, webp, wmf, CR2, CRW, ERF, RAF, PPM, 3FR, RAW, KDC, DCR, MEF, MRW, MDC, NEF, NRW, ORF, RW2, PEF, X3F, SRW, SRF, ARW, DNG, PPM, MOS

Max file size: 100MB

Binary files

dcm, dgn, dwg (dwg file preview is supported for AutoCAD version 2017 or older)

Max file size: 50MB

Audio and Video

Supported Audio Formats: mp3, m4a, wav

Max File Size for Audio Previews: 100MB


Supported Video Formats: mp4, ogv, webm 

Max File Size for Video Previews: 500MB


Plans that include the Advanced Video Playback capability additionally benefit  from

Supported Video Formats: mov, avi, wmv, m4v, mpeg

Increased Maximum Video Size Up To: 2GB with a replay duration limit of max 90 minutes.

Video Streaming (HLS) for easier previewing videos with lower bandwidth

Video preview on Preview-Only file and folder links ("Download" option set to "No."). For more information about Preview-Only Links refer to the article about preview-only links.

Support for video preview may depend on the capabilities of the browser. For the best video compatibility, we recommend mp4 files with h.264 encoded video and AAC encoded audio.

Text and Source Code

actionscript, applescript, as, as3, bash, c, cfm, cfml, cpp, cs, css, dcu, diff, eml, erl, ez, groovy, gsh, gvy, gy, htm, html, java, javafx, jfx, js, json, pas, patch, perl, php, pl, pm, ps1, py, rb, ruby, sass, scala, scss, sh, shell, sql, txt, vb, vbscript, xhtml, xml, xslt

Max file size: 1 MB

HTM/HTML files will be displayed as source code and are not being rendered.


gdoc, gsheet, gslides, gdraw

You must be using our Google Drive or G Suite integration to preview Google file types.  File links for Google documents (gslides, gdoc, etc.) are opened in a PDF previewer.  This is by design.

Preview with Integrations

Certain third-party applications (for example, Microsoft Office Online) can generate file previews for their native file types in the Egnyte Web UI.  Because such applications are designed specifically for their file types, they may offer a better user experience for previewing these files.  Egnyte must pass a copy of the relevant file to the third-party application developer to generate a preview.  The preview capability is turned on by default once you enable an application that supports the preview capability.

If you prefer to use Egnyte's preview capability or to avoid passing files to the relevant application providers, domain administrators can turn off the third-party preview capability from the Egnyte Settings page.  To do so, open the Settings page, select the General tab, find the Previewing Files option and select it to disable.




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