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Reports and Auditing Overview

Through Egnyte’s Web UI, you can run a host of reports and audits to help you track changes, gather essential information, or understand and manage your risk. General reports are available to Admin Users, and Power Users who also have the role can run reports, while audit reports are only available on domains that have purchased this feature.  

Audit Reports are not available on the Team Plan.

Power Users can be set up with one of two role options: 

  • On all files and folders: Can select all folders in Shared even if they do not have permission to view it.
  • On files and folders they have access to: Must have Viewer permissions or higher to pull a report on the selected folder. Users without this permission will receive an error message.

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Access Reports

Export, Archive, and Save/Schedule Audit Reports

Access Reports

To access reports, Admins and Power Users will follow the steps below.

  1. Log into the Egnyte domain.
  2. Click the menu icon and click Reports.

  3. In the Reports Center, you will have many report types to select from. You will be able to find a comprehensive list of all the available reports and actions below.


    Dashboard: This shows basic information related to Storage usage, Users, Apps & Devices, and Links & Collaboration.

    Folder Size Report: Provides folder statistics such as space usage and the number of files by sub-folder for one or more chosen folders.
    Private Folder Size Report: Quickly learn how much storage is being used in each Private folder.

    Managing Share Links: A listing of all active links on files and folders and upcoming expiration dates.

    Sync Status Report: Details the health of sync clients (Storage Sync, Desktop Sync) that are accessing your cloud. You can also have it report only the failed syncs.

    Lock Summary Report: This shows all of the files in your account which are currently locked and who locked them.

    Folder Permission ReportProvides a list of which users and groups have permission to access the selected folder and/or sub-folders, including their permission level for each folder.

    User and Group Permission Report: Details which folders the selected users or groups have been granted permission to, including their permission level and user type.

    File Audit Report: Includes information about the activities performed by each user on the files/folders in your file server. This enables you to track down various activities across your file server at a user level. Audit Reports are available for Business plans or higher.

    Permissions Audit Report: This allows you to analyze user or group permissions changes over time.

    Login Audit Report: Provides an audit of the login information of each user into your file server. All failed and successful login attempts are recorded and reported.

    User Provisioning Audit Report: This allows you to monitor the creation, update, and deletion of users in your Egnyte account. It’s a good option when you need to see who created or deleted a specific user or generally track any updates to your users’ personal details.

    Group Provisioning Audit Report: Let's administrators monitor the history of group creation, updates, and deletion. This is beneficial if you want to see who created or deleted a specific group or generally track any changes in a group’s membership.

    Configuration Settings Audit Report: This allows you to monitor the changes in the Configuration Settings of the domain. For each setting change, the audit record specifies the previous and the new value of the setting, who did the change, and when it happened. 

    Saved & Scheduled Queries: View any currently scheduled or saved reports you currently have set up. You can also view details about the report, edit, delete, or disable the report(s).

  4.  Enter the requested search criteria and click Submit.

    Reports and audits activity older than 90 days will automatically be purged.

Export, Archive, and Save/Schedule Audit Reports

Audit trail activity older than three months will be purged automatically. This means you will not see activities beyond three months at any time in your audit report. We recommend running reports frequently and exporting or archiving them to avoid losing important data. You can also schedule audit reports to run on a set schedule to save time.

  1. Navigate to the desired report.
  2. Hover over the report and click on the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the appropriate option from the list.


    Export: Download a CSV copy of the report to your local storage
    Archive: Archive a CSV copy of the report to the Egnyte Audit Reports file.
    Save/Schedule Query: Using the criteria from the original report, you can schedule a recurring report to pull the same information. You can also automate the archiving of these reports. If global archiving is enabled, reports will automatically be moved to the archive folder after 30 days. You can verify this setting is enabled by going to the Configuration settings.
    Learn more about saving and scheduling Audit reports here.


What time zone is my audit report results showing?

The audit report results show the time zone configured in settings. 

Settings  >  Configuration  >  General 

Configure egnyte domain time zone.png

The time zone is also mentioned in the first line of the report. 

This report reflects activity from 2/3/24 0:00:00 to 2/9/24 23:59:59 (UTC +05:30). 
All dates and times are shown in UTC +05:30.
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