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Project Dashboard


The Project Dashboard makes access to critical project information easier than ever.

A new dashboard built on top of project folders allows users to visualize key project attributes quickly and gain immediate access to the folders and files that they interact with most often. A series of widgets enable users to customize their dashboard and display only the most relevant project information.

Each project folder has its own dashboard so that the data is project-specific.

The Project Dashboard is only available in the Project Control Add-On. Contact the account manager or Egnyte Sales team to get this add-on.

Creating a Dashboard

The project dashboard is created automatically when a user creates a new blank project folder, uses a project template, or marks an existing folder as a project within a domain that is on one of the available AEC plans.

Any project attributes that were populated at the time of creating the project folder will automatically be displayed in the project metadata widget at the top of the dashboard.


Dashboard Navigation

After creating a project, there will be two navigation tabs available: Dashboard and Files.

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By default, when navigating to a folder in the project hierarchy, the Files tab will be selected and users will see the familiar file or folder view. Optionally, users can set the Dashboard tab as their preferred view. Navigate a project folder and select Set as default project view from the Dashboard tab.

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Once the Dashboard is set as the default project view, users can always revert their selection back to the Files tab by selecting Set as default project view from the Files tab.

Dashboard Widgets

There are a series of widgets available on the Dashboard that users can customize on a project by project basis. 

Project Attributes

The project attributes widget at the top of the dashboard is designed so that users can gain a quick understanding of the scope of the project. Attributes such as Project name and Project status are mandatory when creating a project folder, but other optional attributes such as Project ID, Description, Customer, Start & End dates, and Address are displayed if populated, along with a Project logo and map.


The attributes can be edited at any time by folder owners or those with the “can manage projects” role by navigating to More > Project Settings.


Bookmarked Items

Rather than navigating through the entire project folder structure, Bookmarked folders make it simple to instantly access the folder that is needed.

From anywhere within the project folder hierarchy, bookmark the folder by selecting the Ribbon icon adjacent to the folder name.

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If the folder is included in the project folder hierarchy (either the top level folder or a sub-folder) it will automatically be displayed in the Bookmarked items widget on the Dashboard.

By selecting one of the bookmarked folders in the widget, the user will be navigated directly to that folder and can return to the Dashboard by selecting the Dashboard tab.

Users can also toggle the view within the Bookmarked items widget to only display bookmarked folders that are included in the project folder hierarchy, or to display all bookmarked items by that user in the domain.

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All bookmarks that are included in the Bookmarked items widget are user specific.


The Recents widget on the Dashboard displays the last 10 files a user viewed that are saved within the project folder hierarchy. 

By selecting one of the files in the widget, the file will be opened directly in Egnyte’s preview. Users can return to the Dashboard by closing the preview window.

The file listing can be sorted in ascending or descending order by selecting the File name or Last accessed headers.

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All files listed in the Recents widget are user specific.

Saved Searches

Users can save search queries that they run often to remember all search keywords and associated search filters.

If the search Location is specified to be anywhere within the project folder hierarchy, the saved search will automatically be displayed within the Saved searches widget on the project  Dashboard.

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By selecting one of the saved search queries in the widget, the search will automatically run and will navigate the user to the Search results page. A user can return to the Dashboard from the Search results page by selecting the back arrow.

After running a saved search, the Saved search widget on the Dashboard will keep track of the number of Times used. Users will either be able to sort their saved searches in ascending or descending order via Times used or Search name by selecting column headers.


All saved search queries displayed on the Dashboard are user-specific.

Saved URLs

The Saved URLs widget on the Project Dashboard displays all link files added to the project folder (including its subfolders) that a given user has access to.


By selecting one of the URLs in the widget, the file opens directly in Egnyte’s preview (click Open on the preview screen to  open the URL). Users can return to the Dashboard by closing the preview window.

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The listing can be sorted in ascending or descending order by selecting the Link name.

The widget also has a toggle that can switch between Project URLs and My URLs(which include only the links created by the user).


Click the “+” to add a new URL from the project. In the Create URL dialog, specify the URL, Link name, and the Location where the file should be stored.


Users are required to have at least Editor permissions in a project folder or its subfolders to be able to save the URL.

Viewing the Dashboard on Mobile (iOS & Android)

Users with iOS version 8.20 or greater, or Android version 8.39 or greater can view the project dashboard directly from the Egnyte mobile app.

First navigate inside of a project folder.

Just above a folder listing, an option to View Project Dashboard will be available.

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Select View Project Dashboard to open the project dashboard where Project details, Bookmarks, and Recents can be viewed.

Users can expand or collapse each section of the dashboard by selecting the caret option adjacent to each section header.

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