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Egnyte iOS App for Intune v8.14

Egnyte iOS Mobile App v. 8.14 (for Intune) | Release Date: January 19, 2023

Microsoft Intune SDK Update to Version 17.2.1

The Egnyte iOS App for Microsoft Intune, which enables data protection features and mobile app management, has been updated to the latest version of the SDK for iOS which fixes issues with sharing data between apps managed by Intune.

The update also fixes a few other issues that the users of Egnyte for Intune may have experienced such as shared links opening in the browser rather than in the Egnyte for Intune app, or absence of push notifications.

Features Added to Version 8.14 for Intune

The iOS for Intune App has been brought up to parity with the latest version of the Egnyte iOS app and its users will now have access to the following features:

Support for AutoCAD (DWG) File Preview

Egnyte Customers whose pricing plan includes the AEC Package will now have the possibility to preview AutoCAD DWG files in the Egnyte for Intune iOS app. The preview is generated automatically when the file name is tapped on in the listing view. Once the file is opened, the user can use pinching to zoom it in and out and the hand and orbit controls to move and to turn around the object on the screen.   


The ability to render a preview in the mobile app is dependent on the file complexity and may be limited or unavailable for DWG files which contain numerous references to other files. The size of the file may also impact the preview experience.

Support for File and Folder Templates

If file and folder templates are created by the domain administrator, they are now also available in the Egnyte for Intune iOS app and the mobile app user can create files and folders based on them by tapping the ‘Create or upload’ button or the ‘New file or folder’ button and choosing the ‘New file from template’ or ‘New Folder from template’ options.


In order to see which templates are available, navigate to the following folders:

/Shared/Egnyte Templates/File Templates

/Shared/Egnyte Templates/Folder Templates.

To find out more about File and Folder Templates, go to this helpdesk article.


Egnyte for Intune version 8.14 can be downloaded from the AppStore

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